The International Caspian Film Forum Resolution

The participants of the International Caspian Film Forum express their support for the collective actions of creative industry representatives from the Caspian region countries (Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan) aimed at preserving and strengthening the common cultural space, development of joint film projects, exchange of best practices in the field of film, including film production and film education, and their full support for young professionals in the film industry.

To achieve this goal, the International Caspian Film Forum participants consider it necessary:

  1. To make provisions for staging the International Caspian Film Festival, with a business platform included, on a permanent basis (annually) at the leading film venues of the Caspian region countries.
  2. To create a permanent working group that will include representatives of each of the "Caspian Five" countries, in order to maintain an ongoing dialogue and to establish the agenda in the time between the film forums.
  3. To promote the development and implementation of special educational programs and intensive courses for young filmmakers of the Caspian countries.
  4. To create the informational portal, providing the current data about Caspian region countries’ film industry, festivals, events and the publication of master-classes by Caspian countries’ filmmakers.
  5. To support proposals of the Caspian region professional communities related to the development of the film's social function and the provision of media support for creative industries interstate projects.
  6. To initiate regular joint pitches of fiction, animation and documentary film projects in order to improve the quality of story drama and the artistic merit of films.
  7. To promote creation of film commissions and rebate systems in the Caspian region countries, as well as establishing a standard for regional cinema development programs and creating conditions for development of technological solutions for film production.

The International Caspian Film Forum participants express their gratitude to the Forum organizers represented by the Russian Filmmaker Union.
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